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Enumeration: RouterEvents


Events constants, which is firing to app.

Enumeration Members


AFTER_HANDLE_ROUTE = "$IMA.$Router.afterHandleRoute"

Router fire event $IMA.$Router.afterHandleRoute after page manager handle the route. Event's data contain {response: Object<string, *>, params: Object<string, string>, route: ima.core.router.AbstractRoute, path: string, options: Object<string, *>}}. The response is page render result. The path is current path, the params are params extracted from path, the route is handle route for path and the options is route additional options.

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AFTER_LOADING_ASYNC_ROUTE = "$IMA.$Router.afterLoadingAsyncRoute"

Event fired when router finishes loading of async view and controller. If both are sync this is never fired.

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BEFORE_HANDLE_ROUTE = "$IMA.$Router.beforeHandleRoute"

Router fire event $IMA.$Router.beforeHandleRoute before page manager handle the route. Event's data contain { params: Object<string, string>, route: ima.core.router.AbstractRoute, path: string, options: Object<string, *>}}. The path is current path, the params are params extracted from path, the route is handle route for path and the options is route additional options.

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BEFORE_LOADING_ASYNC_ROUTE = "$IMA.$Router.beforeLoadingAsyncRoute"

Fired right before loading view and controller when either view or controller is async (or both).

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