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Major part of development in JavaScript relies on events. It's easy solution to notify distant instances or React elements scattered across the DOM tree.

To ease the pain that comes with events, IMA.js provides a two utilities that take care of firing and receiving events. Each one with a different style.


The ima/event/EventBus allows your UI components to emit custom DOM events that naturally propagate through the DOM tree representing the tree of your UI components.

This is used to notify the parent components of user interaction with custom controls in your UI, or to notify the page Controller/Extension itself.

The custom events may have any name and carry arbitrary data that are not restricted to JSON-serializable values.

Firing EventBus events

EventBus can be used in View and Components via fire() method that is inherited from ima/page/AbstractComponent.

// app/component/expandable/ExpandLink.jsx

onClick(event) {
const { expandableId } = this.props;'expand', { expandableId }); // this will be stopped by ExpandableWrapper

render() {
return (
<button onClick = { event => this.onClick(event) }>
{ this.props.children }

Listening to EventBus events

The opposite for the fire() method is listen() and unlisten(). First argument for the listen() and unlisten() method is an element the listener will be bound to. It can be either DOM element or a React Component that is mounted in the DOM tree.

// app/component/expandable/ExpandableWrapper.jsx

constructor() {
this._expandListener = this._expandWrapper.bind(this);

componentDidMount() {
this.listen(this, 'expand', this._expandListener);

componentWillUnmount() {
this.unlisten(this, 'expand', this._expandListener);

_expandWrapper(event) {
if ( !== this.expandableId) {
return; // this expand event is not meant for us.

// Do to propagate the event further.

// Do the expand!

render() {
return (
<div className = 'expandWrapper'>
// ... ExpandLink can be nested any level deep. Otherwise we could use simple props callback
<ExpandLink expandableId = { this.expandableId }>
See more

Furthermore, the Controllers and Extensions can easily listen for the events dispatched using the EventBus (unless the propagation of the event is stopped by a component half the way) by declaring event listener methods.

An event listener method is a method of a controller/extension named by the first-letter capitalized event name with the on prefix, for example the formSubmitted event can be listened for by defining the onFormSubmitted() method on your controller.

The first argument passed into the controller's or extension's event listener method will be the event data, not the event object itself, as manipulating the event object once it reaches the controller/extension is pointless.

// app/page/article/ArticleController.js

onExpand({ expandableId }) {
// Event never reaches this point because we issued
// event.stopPropagation() in ExpandableWrapper.jsx

You can restrict the controller/extension to specific events by setting the $name static field on the controller/extension class. Events with this specific prefix are then applied only to this controller/extension.

// app/page/article/ArticleController.js

static $name = 'ArticleController';

onExpand({ expandableId }) {
// Event never reaches this point because we issued
// event.stopPropagation() in ExpandableWrapper.jsx

// app/component/expandable/ExpandLink.jsx

onClick(event) {
const { expandableId } = this.props;'ArticleController.expand', { expandableId });


The obvious limitation of the ima/event/EventBus API is that it only allows to create events that propagate up the tree of the UI components. The common way to propagate event in other directions, or to other parts of the UI, or from the controller to the UI is using the app/event/Dispatcher API.

Accessing Dispatcher in Controllers is easy with Dependency Injection.

Firing and listening to Dispatcher events

The Dispatcher allows any UI component and controller to register and deregister event listeners for arbitrarily named events using listen() and unlisten() methods and fire these events with arbitrary data using fire() method.

Events propagate directly to the registered event listeners with no way to stop their propagation.

// app/component/image/Image.jsx

onImageClick(event) {

const { image } = this.props;
this.utils.$'showLightbox', { image });
// app/component/lightbox/Lightbox.jsx

componentDidMount() {
this.utils.$Dispatcher.listen('showLightbox', this.onLightboxShow, this);

componentWillUnmount() {
this.utils.$Dispatcher.unlisten('showLightbox', this.onLightboxShow, this);

onLightboxShow(data) {
// ...

Note: Lightbox component can be mounted anywhere in the DOM tree and it will still receive the showLightbox event when it's fired.

Note: A great place to mount components like Lightbox is ManagedRootView.

Listening to all Dispatcher events

You can listen to all events dispatched by the Dispatcher by using the listenAll() and unlistenAll() methods.

// app/component/eventLogger/EventLogger.jsx

componentDidMount() {
this.utils.$Dispatcher.listenAll(this._onDispatcherEvent, this);

componentWillUnmount() {
this.utils.$Dispatcher.unlistenAll(this._onDispatcherEvent, this);

_onDispatcherEvent(eventName, data) {
// ...


The Observable class allows you to subscribe to events dispatched by the Dispatcher. Upon subscribing, subscribers will be notified of past and future events.

Accessing Observable in Controllers is easy with Dependency Injection.

Subscribing and unsubscribing to events

You can subscribe to events dispatched by the Dispatcher using the subscribe(), and unsubscribe using the unsubscribe() method.

// app/component/media/Media.jsx

componentDidMount() {
this.utils.$Observable.subscribe('showLightbox', this._onShowLightbox, this);

componentWillUnmount() {
this.utils.$Observable.unsubscribe('showLightbox', this._onShowLightbox, this);

_onShowLightbox(data) {
// ...

Note: If the showLightbox event was already dispatched before the Media component was mounted, the _onShowLightbox method will be called immediately upon subscribing with the data that was passed to the event.
Note: If the event was dispatched multiple times before the Media component was mounted, the _onShowLightbox method will be called for each event.

Persistent events

The Observable class clears its history of dispatched events when the RouterEvents.BEFORE_HANDLE_ROUTE event is dispatched. If you want to keep the history of dispatched events, you can use the registerPersistentEvent() method.

// app/config/services.js

export const initServicesApp = (ns, oc, config) => {
const Observable = oc.get('$Observable');



By default, the Observable class holds the last 10 events dispatched by the Dispatcher. You can change this by modifying the $Observable.maxHistoryLength setting.

// app/config/settings.js

export default (ns, oc, config) => {
return {
prod: {
// ...
$Observable: {
maxHistoryLength: 20

Built-in events

IMA.js fires a few events that let you know that something has happened under the hood. You can listen to these events using Dispatcher's listen method.


This event is fired after the router matches new url to a registered route and before the page change starts. The data passed with the event look like this:

// the new Route instance
// new URL parameters
// the path portion of the new URL (a route definition is matched against this)
// route options extended of options provided to the function
// that triggered the routing
// an action object describing what triggered the routing
// if a PopStateEvent triggered the routing the action object will
// look like this { type: 'popstate', event: PopStateEvent }
// otherwise the event will be MouseEvent (e.g. clicked on a link)
// and type will be either 'redirect', 'click' or 'error'.


This event is contrary to the BEFORE_HANDLE_ROUTE. It's fired with the same data but after the page was changed.

Note: The AFTER_HANDLE_ROUTE event will be fired regardless if promises loaded be the new Controller are resolved.


An event fired before the page state changes. The handler of this event receives following data:

// The state object derived from the oldState and patchState
// The current state
// The data that were passed to the `setState` method

Note: You can mutate the newState object if you wish. Mutating oldState and patchState will have no effect.


An event fired after the page state changes. The data passed with this event contain only the newState object.


PageRenderer fires this event after current page view is mounted to the DOM. Event's data contain { type: String } Where type can be one of constants located in @ima/core/page/renderer/Types.


PageRenderer fires this event after current state is updated in the DOM. Event's data contain { state: Object<string, *>}.


PageRenderer fires this event after current view is unmounted from the DOM. Event's data contain { type: String } Where type can be one of constants located in @ima/core/page/renderer/Types.


PageRenderer fires this event when there is no _viewContainer in _renderToDOM method. Event's data contain { message: string }.