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Configuration options

IMA.js offers many ways to configure and customize your application to your needs. Here's a list describing all possible configuration files and what they do.

Build and environment configuration


Environment configuration is resolved on server and passed to the client settings under config param.

  • gulpConfig.js contains configuration for the gulp tasks we use to build and run your application.

  • app/main.js is the bootstrap of your application. You don't need to concern yourself with this file usually.

  • app/build.js specifies which JavaScript, JSX, Less CSS and language files your application consists of and should be included in your built application.

    let js = ['./app/!(assets|gulp)/**/!(*Spec).{js,jsx}'];

    let less = [

    let languages = {
    en: ['./app/**/*EN.json']

    Note: Files can be specified by a filename expansion as you can see above.

    The file also specifies the 3rd party vendor libraries to link as ES2015 modules in your application, separated into three groups: common (shared), server-side and client-side.

    let vendors = {
    common: ['ima'],

    server: [],

    client: []

    Last thing configured in the app/build.js file is a list of compiled JavaScript and CSS files that should be specified in the main html markup.

    let bundle = {
    js: ['...'],
    es: ['...'],
    css: ['...']
  • app/environment.js configures the server-side environment. Note that the dev and test environment configuration automatically inherits values from the prod environment (except for the $Language which has to be configured individually). This configuration is well described in the comments so see the file for full reference.

Application configuration

  • app/config/services.js by default this file specifies how the fatal application errors should be handled at the client side. Also provides a way to configure other application-wide settings or 3rd party libraries (analytics, etc.).

  • app/config/routes.js configures your router, mapping routes to the controllers and views in your application. For more information see the Routing page.

  • app/config/settings.js configures your application and IMA.js services. You can freely extend the configuration as you like except for the properties prefixed by dollar sign $. Note that, again, the dev and test environment configuration automatically inherits values from the prod environment.

  • and finally, the app/config/bind.js configures the Object container.

All of these files are necessary and must remain in their locations.