SEO & Meta Manager
If you've read the Controller lifecycle page you've
probably come along the setMetaParams
method. This method is dedicated to set meta information for a specific
page and you are provided with everything you need (current state, MetaManager,
router, dictionary and settings).
Meta manager offers many methods to work with document meta data. From #{meta}
content variable, to methods for managing title and other meta tags collections.
Managing meta tags
As mentioned above, all meta management is done in setMetaParams
method in route controller. Using metaManager
and provied setters for title, meta name, meta properties and link collections, you can manage contents of your meta tags easily with the help of additional arguments that provide everything you need (current state, MetaManager, router, dictionary and settings).
setMetaParams(loadedResources, metaManager, router, dictionary, settings) {
const { order } = loadedResources;
metaManager.setTitle(`Order #${} - ${settings.general.appTitle}`);
'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.'
metaManager.setMetaProperty('og:image', order.thumbnailUrl);
const orderDetailLink ='order-detail', {
metaManager.setLink('canonical', orderDetailLink);
and null
values are filtered out when rendering meta tags. If you still want to render meta tags with empty values, use empty strings ''
(title: string) => MetaManager
Use to set document title.
(name: string, content: MetaValue, attr?: MetaAttributes) => MetaManager
Sets the information to be used in <meta name="..." content="..." />
(name: string, property: MetaValue, attr?: MetaAttributes) => MetaManager
These methods are similar to the two above except that these are used for <meta property="..." content="..." />
(relation: string, href: MetaValue, attr?: MetaAttributes) => MetaManager
Adds information to the MetaManager to be later used in <link rel="..." href="..." />
All 3 methods defined above also supports additional optional attributes. This is an object of key-value pairs representing additional meta tag attributes that are used in certain situations.
metaManager.setMetaProperty('og:image', order.thumbnailUrl, {
size: 'large',
authorUrl: ''
Meta value getters
Each setter has corresponding getter returning and object with key-value pairs representing the meta tag values. Additionally you can use key and value iterator methods.
Since the getter methods return object with key-value attributes where their names correspond to the html tag attribute name, you can use following shortcuts to render (these include optional attributes):
Rendering meta tags
Meta tags are handled differently on server an client, see following sections for more information on this matter.
Rendering on server using the #{meta}
content variable
While you can manually render meta tags in the document view using metaManger
and any of the provided getter methods or iterators, we also render these tags automatically into #{meta}
content variable.
You can then use this content variable in DocumentView
to easily render whole meta collection (including document title) matching meta information set for current controller in setMetaParams
While you can also use this content variable in spa.ejs
, it will always be empty, since client rendering is handled separately. See the next section for more information.
Rendering on client using PageMetaHandler
You may have noticed that the server-side rendered meta tags have data-ima-meta
data attribute. This serves as an identification for meta tags that are handled by IMA.js (both on server and client). These also correspond to the values you have set using metaManager
<meta data-ima-meta name="twitter:title" content="IMA.js">
While navigating between pages in SPA, the meta tags are** updated automatically** using PageMetaHandler
. This manager always removes old meta tags identified by the data attribute, before rendering new ones. And since metaManager
clears it's meta collection between routes, this means that each page renders only those tags that are set in metaManager
in current page controller using setMetaParams
Global meta tags
Now that you know how IMA.js handles meta tag updates between routes, you may ask yourself a question "how to handle global meta tags like viewport
, charset
The solution is pretty simple - just define them in DocumentView
and spa.ejs
templates, tags that don't have data-ima-meta
attribute are not touched at all by the PageMetaHandler
<meta charSet='utf-8' />
<meta httpEquiv='X-UA-Compatible' content='IE=edge' />
<meta name='viewport' content='width=device-width, initial-scale=1' />
Alternative solution is to always set these values in every page controller you have. For this you can use helpers or create custom AbstractController