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Since IMA.js v18 we provide support for Typescript in your application code with proper type declarations from the core packages.

To enable TypeScript in your project, first you need to add typescript to your app dependencies:

npm i -D typescript


Now create tsconfig.json file (that may look something like this):

"compilerOptions": {
"allowJs": true,
"target": "ES2022",
"lib": [
"module": "ES2022",
"moduleResolution": "Node16",
"strict": true,
"resolveJsonModule": true,
"jsx": "react-jsx",
"baseUrl": ".",
"outDir": "./build/ts-cache",
"paths": {
"app/*": [
"include": ["./app/**/*", "./build/tmp/types/**/*"],
"exclude": ["./**/__tests__"]

When CLI detects existence of the tsconfig.json file, it automatically starts type checking and compiling files with *.ts and *.tsx extensions.

Keep in mind that the code is still compiled using swc, the same way JS code is. This means that certain settings in tsconfig.json only applies to type checking (like target, moduleResolution, etc.), but compilation uses it's own settings to match the JS code.


You will also probably need to install additional @types/* type definition libs to ensure proper support, like react types:

npm i -D @types/react @types/react-dom


Additionally we recommend creating a new ima-env.d.ts file in root of your ./app folder with following contents:

/// <reference types="@ima/cli/global" />

This adds proper types support for webpack specific imports like images and other files.

create-ima-app support

You can also easily create a typescript base IMA.js application using --typescript cli argument when running create-ima-app command:

npx create-ima-app ~/Desktop/ima-ts --typescript

Controller generic types

The AbstractController class follows similar principles used in React AbstractComponent type. There are 3 generic types you can define on the class definition itself.

export class AbstractController<
S extends PageState = {},
R extends RouteParams = {},
SS extends S = S
> extends Controller<S, R, SS>;
  • S - Use to define shape of your controller managed state.
  • R - Use to define controller's route route params that are extracted to this.params.
  • SS - Defaults to S, however when you are using any extensions in your controller, that have their own state, you can merge those state types in this generic value, to have proper type support for this.getState() method (this will now include all state keys, including ones used in extensions).
import { TestExtension, GalleryExtensionState } from './GalleryExtension';

export type HomeControllerState = {
cards: Promise<CardData>;
message: string;
name: string;

export class HomeController extends AbstractController<
{ detailId?: string },
HomeControllerState & GalleryExtensionState
static $extensions?: Dependencies<Extension<any, any>> = [GalleryExtension];

load(): HomeControllerState {
const cardsPromise = this.#httpAgent
.then(response => response.body);

// `state` contains all merged types from `SS` generic value.
const state = this.getState();

return {
message: 'test',
cards: cardsPromise,
name: 'nam',

Extending existing interfaces

Since you can extend certain features like ComponentUtils or settings from within your application or through plugins, and in order to provide type checking for these, we are using specific interfaces that you can extend using Declaration Merging feature.

This ensures (when used correctly), that you always have correct static types when using these interfaces, even when they are extended in multiple places.

Extending Utils

When using component utils, in addition to registering your classes using ComponentUtils helper, make sure to also extend Utils interface. This adds autocomplete and typechecking to this.utils() and useComponentUtils in your components.

declare module '@ima/core' {
interface Utils {
$CssClasses: typeof defaultCssClasses;

export const initBindApp: InitBindFunction = (ns, oc) => {
$CssClasses: '$CssClasses',

Extending ObjectContainer

Same goes for defining string aliases in Object container. This adds proper type checking to dependencies definition and oc.get autocomplete.

declare module '@ima/core' {
interface OCAliasMap {
$CssClasses: () => typeof cssClassNameProcessor;
$PageRendererFactory: PageRendererFactory;
API_KEY: string;

export const initBindApp: InitBindFunction = (ns, oc) => {
oc.bind('$CssClasses', function () { return cssClassNameProcessor; });
oc.bind('$PageRendererFactory', PageRendererFactory);
oc.constant('API_KEY', '14fasdf');

Extending Settings

This makes sure you don't have any missing or additional fields in your app settings. Other environments than prod have all fields made optional, since they are deeply merged with the prod settings.


Use ?: for settings with default values. This applies mostly to plugins.

declare module '@ima/core' {
interface Settings {
links: Record<'documentation' | 'tutorial' | 'plugins' | 'api', string>;

export const initSettings: InitSettingsFunction = (ns, oc, config) => {
return {
prod: {
links: {
documentation: '',
api: '',

Dictionary localization keys

When compiling app language files, we also generate dictionary keys during runtime. These are then stored in './build/tmp/types/dictionary.ts' file. Don't forget to include this file in tsconfig.json source files array, to have correct static type checking:

"include": ["./app/**/*", "./build/tmp/types/**/*"],

When used in IMA.js plugins, you can manually extend the DictionaryMap interface:

declare module '@ima/core' {
interface DictionaryMap {
'home.intro': string;

export {};