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Migration 0.15.0

In order to upgrade to IMA.js 0.15.0, start ba adding these new dependencies to package.json:

"prop-types": "15.6.0",
"react": "16.2.0",
"react-dom": "16.2.0",
"express-http-proxy": "^1.0.7"


If you are overriding polyfills or shims (for example using some custom polyfills) you need to change polyfills or shims structure in gulpConfig.js . Now it has to be structure for js, es and fetch polyfills. If you are't overriding polyfills or shims, you can skip this step.


shim: {
js: {
name: 'shim.js',
src: ['./node_modules/ima/polyfill/collectionEnumeration.js'],
dest: {
client: './build/static/js/'
es: {
name: '',
src: [],
dest: {
client: './build/static/js/',
server: './build/ima/'

polyfill: {
js: {
name: 'polyfill.js',
src: [
dest: {
client: './build/static/js/'
es: {
name: '',
src: ['./node_modules/custom-event-polyfill/custom-event-polyfill.js'],
dest: {
client: './build/static/js/'
fetch: {
name: 'fetch-polyfill.js',
src: [
dest: {
client: './build/static/js/'
ima: {
name: 'ima-polyfill.js',
src: [
dest: {
client: './build/static/js/'

In build.js add new property 'es' to bundle object:

es: [

Add to your settings.js prod.$Page.$Render new property esScripts like this:

esScripts: [
'/static/js/locale/' + config.$Language + '.js' + versionStamp,
'/static/js/' + versionStamp

Add to your settings.js dev.$Page.$Render new property esScripts like this:

esScripts: [
'/static/js/' + versionStamp,
'/static/js/' + versionStamp,
'/static/js/' + versionStamp,
'/static/js/' + versionStamp,
'/static/js/hot.reload.js' + versionStamp

Karma removed instead of that added Jest

If you are overriding gulpfile.js you need to make following changes:

  • remove from task test:unit:karma:dev
  • remove from and task Es6ToEs5:vendor:client:test
  • remove from function buildExample task Es6ToEs5:vendor:client:test

If you are overriding in gulpConfig.js you need to add bundle:es:app into bundles section.


In server.js

Add at the top into import sections:


add proxy into middlewares imports section

let proxy = require('express-http-proxy');

change line

.use(environment.$Proxy.path + '/', proxy)


.use(environment.$Proxy.path + '/', proxy(environment.$Proxy.server))


In DocumentView.jsx we united sync and async scripts.

  • remove getSyncScripts function.
  • update getAsyncScripts function to
getAsyncScripts() {
let scriptResources = `<script>
function checkAsyncAwait () {
try {
new Function('(async () => ({}))()');
return true;
} catch (e) {
return false;
$IMA.Runner = $IMA.Runner || {};
if (Object.values && checkAsyncAwait()) {
$IMA.Runner.scripts = [
.map(script => `'${script}'`)
} else {
$IMA.Runner.scripts = [
.map(script => `'${script}'`)

if (!window.fetch) {

$IMA.Runner.scripts.forEach(function(source) {
var script = document.createElement('script');
script.async = $IMA.$Env !== 'dev';
script.onload = $IMA.Runner.load;
script.src = source;


return scriptResources;


{this.utils.$Settings.$Env === 'dev' ?
<div id='scripts'>{this.getSyncScripts()}</div>
<div id='scripts' dangerouslySetInnerHTML={
{ __html: this.getAsyncScripts() }


<div id='scripts' dangerouslySetInnerHTML={
{ __html: this.getAsyncScripts() }


In app/assets/static/html/spa.html add ima-polyfill.

Removed namespaces

If you extends some view from, you need to add this import:

import AbstractComponent from 'ima/page/AbstractComponent';

and use AbstractComponent instead of

If you extends some view from ns.ima.controller.AbstractController, you need to add this import:

import AbstractController from 'ima/controller/AbstractController';

and use AbstractController instead of ns.ima.controller.AbstractController.

In settings.js import your DocumentView like this:

import DocumentView from 'app/component/document/DocumentView';

Now you need to replace your documentView namespace with React component

so for this step replace your$Page.$Render.documentView to DocumentView.


  • IMA.js is now using React 16 where is no longer supported react-addons-perf package in case you were using it.
  • There was added a fetchOptions property to the IMA.js' http. You can add this property into your settings.js file to the $Http.defaultRequestOptions object. The property represents the second and optional parameter of the fetch method - an options object containing settings that you want to apply to the Fetch API request.
  • There is a breaking change in the IMA.js' router. Now there is defined an order where mandatory parameters have to be before optional parameters.
  • There are no longer available Request and Response at the client side.